Tuesday, January 27, 2009

'Cause you needed to know that

Random facts about yours truly.

  1. I will often forget to eat or sleep if I am reading a good book. Peeing happens only when it is an emergency and the book travels with me.
  2. I do things just to say I did. Like smoking in the boys room.
  3. People were shocked when I got married and still after almost five years ask my husband how he did it.
  4. I am just as likely to sing a Mariah Carey song as an Alice Cooper one.
  5. I think willful ignorance should be met with corporal punishment.
  6. I collect Smurfs.
  7. I lost count of how many times I read "The Long Walk" after 12.
  8. I genuinely like very few people. In fact I probably have enough digits to count them all.
  9. I don't drink coffee or tea.
  10. I have a tattoo and plan to get more
  11. Once I cut off a piece of my finger. Despite doctors saying it was impossible it grew back.
  12. I love being on stage in any capacity.
  13. I hate cell phones. The best part of grocery shopping is being incommunicado, I don't want life finding me.
  14. I have severe ADD, and mild OCD. this means nothing ever gets finished but it is always perfectly started.
  15. I have an IQ of 186.
  16. Despite said IQ I often do the stupidest things imaginable.
  17. I love working out. It is the only physical release I get for my anger since DH strongly disapproves of my desire to 'smack the stupid' out of people I meet.
  18. My first major celebrity crush was Marky mark
  19. all these years later I still see no reason to regret that
  20. I think tattoos are very sexy and all men should have a few.
  21. If I had my way I would have nine kids.
  22. I once beat the shit out of a would be abductor with a shoe.
  23. I have no fear of walking alone at night in any city I have ever been in.
  24. Spiders reduce me to a blubbering idiot.
  25. Despite this I have a spider tattooed on my body .
  26. I kissed a girl once and decided it was overrated. Tried a few more times though just to be sure.
  27. 5 years ago I had never seen a super hero movie. Now I own more than I care to count and have numerous crushes on men in tights (or iron)
  28. I love live music. I have seen Thorn Lee, Novax, Sloan, Alice Cooper, Hot hot heat, Econoline crush, Treble Charger, Sum 41 and Dr. Hook. This is not nearly enough though and I intend to expand on that.
  29. I am horrible with names and give most everyone I meet a nickname. Some are innocent enough like "flower girl" but others like "captain acne" should probably be kept to myself.
  30. I hate when the music I like find its way into radio shuffle. Buck Cherry, Jason Maraz and Hinder are all prime examples of music I loved but got overplayed.
  31. I can talk books until the other persons eyes glaze over.
  32. I have only ever put down one book without finishing it and that was "Viking" by Fabio. "Old man and the sea" would be on that list too though if I hadn't had to write a report on it.
  33. I love 80's hair metal.
  34. I have natural red hair but everyone thinks it comes from a bottle
  35. I define "low maintenance"
  36. One year Billy forced me to celebrate Valentines day but agreed to let me pick the movie. We watched Hannibal. Now he pretends the day doesn't exist.
  37. I also don't celebrate anniversaries.
  38. I have still not finished the original Mario game.
  39. I often laugh at the conversations going on in my head. Drives everyone around me batshit.
  40. Despite getting knocked up repeatedly by accident I seem to be having an exceptionally hard time doing it on purpose.
  41. I absolutely despise fan fiction. It doesn't matter how well written it is you are still mooching off another persons ideas.
  42. I am the oldest of six children.
  43. No we don't all have the same parents, in fact no two sibs in my family have the same parents.
  44. In the seventh grade I failed a genealogy project because the teacher couldn't read my family tree.
  45. I saw star wars for the first time when I was pregnant with my oldest and too fat to move. My brother had taped then off the TV so I watched them one after the other. The last 15 mins of the last movie was missing. To this day I have not seen the "I am your father" bit.
  46. In high school teachers used to complain that I didn't put in enough effort. Apparently they were unaware of how much effort it takes to graduate when you rarely go to class
  47. I play magic cards and love going to tournaments.
  48. I paid $40 for a Lord Soth figurine.
  49. When my parents first met my now husband they were shocked by the lack of piercings, tattoos and criminal records.
  50. I often add old high school acquaintances (whom I hated) as facebook friends just to see if they got fat.
  51. In most cases they did but there are a few regrettable exceptions.
  52. I am only doing this because I can't figure out what to do with my characters at the exact moment. There are two equally appealing possibilities.
  53. I love Lindt chocolate truffles. They are defiantly the food of the gods.
  54. Alice Cooper was a major inspiration for mt current WIP.
  55. I am currently playing Dungeons and Dragons.
  56. I have an obsession with flair on facebook.
  57. I am the only licensed driver in my house, there are days I hate it.
  58. I go a bit overboard at Christmas, Like I bake a bazillion cookies and give out home made chocolates overboard.
  59. I could totally be a hermit as long as I had internet.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Progress and setbacks

So my word counter went from 20% down to 10%. I realized that this project is going to require at least double the words I thought it was. Definitely making progress though and even better not even a little part of me wants to scream at it to "go to hell". Normally I do really well for a while and then my mind demands I engage it in something new, I really don't see that happening this time I am far too in love with this story.

Setbacks are MAJOR in the naming department though. Originally the book was supposed to be titled Valkyrie but Tom Cruise went and fucked that up with his new movie he has coming out, or maybe it is already out but either way it now sounds lame where when I first thought of it it sounded tres cool.

So fuck you Tom Cruise and I don't mean that in the same way I would say Fuck you to certain other male celebs.

So it is still without title :(

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh noes! I caught the emo.

Self doubt is not an affliction that I am normally bothered by. Usually I am laughing at people who tell me I can't do something or am not good enough and informing them that contrary to their uneducated (and IMO worthless) opinion "I AM THE SHIT ". In fact my biggest personality flaw is probably a lack of modesty.

Don't get me wrong now I have plenty of others, like the inability to keep my opinions to myself, but my ego is definitely my biggest issue.

So now that I have caught the emo I am not quite sure what to do with myself. It hit me out of no where today when I was writing away and then suddenly second guessing every word I put down. My internal dialogue went something like

"Am I using that word too much?"
"Should it be a the noun or pronoun here"
"crap maybe I should put the comma before that word, no definitely after, no before"

well it just went on and on. Eventually I had to put the writing away because the end result was really choppy and read like a book report.

Maybe I will take a break from writing and try to do a bit more reading, that usually clears my head a bit.

Now I just have to decide which super hero I want to come save me from the emo.

Should it be Wolverine

Or Iron man

Or Johnny Storm

Oh the decisions a girl has to make. Life is such a burden

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

That's hardly the weirdest place I've ever done it.

SO I went to the gym the morning and then was supposed to meet Billy for lunch at one. Left me with a 2 hour time block that I had to fill. So I headed over to the food court and hauled out my note book and pen. After about 10 people asking me how my homework was going ('cause you know, I look 16) I dug my MP3 player out of my gym bag. I got a significant amount done and hammered out some nitpicky details. It is amazing how not having access to the interwebz can boost productivity.

Well now I am off to type up what I got done and try to avoid the urge to look at flair.

And just because he has been living in my head for a few days


Thursday, January 15, 2009

EEEEEEK. It's a pervert!

well perverts actually. If these two don't behave I am going to have to give my male lead erectile dysfunction. Every time I turn around I am hitting backspace or scribbling something out because my leads won't keep it in their pants. I promised them they could have sex later in the book but I guess I forgot I am dealing with horny teenagers here. Even when I am not writing but just mentally tweaking the plot they keep trying to find a way to get out of their clothes.

Other than that it is coming along OK.

In real life my van is in the shop because I broke BOTH my front doors in separate and completely unrelated bouts of stupidity. I am house bound and going stir crazy. I didn't think it would be this bad because I never go anywhere anyways but I had to give up the gym for 4 days just when I was getting back into my after Christmas groove. Last night at work one of our regulars either told me I was fat or asked if I was pregnant. Not sure which as my sign language is quite basic but either way I feel I need the gym more than ever.

One of my new years resolutions was to fit in my skinny jeans. the other was to read less and write more but Lori keeps sending me stuff and then my mother in law gave me vampire porn to read.

It is the Kiss of crimson series. by Laura Adrian. She really needs to take an anatomy class. You can not touch someones sex. you can't rub it or suck it or do any of the other crap you tried to claim because .................... it is not a tangible object. I checked and double checked and then enlisted some help in the search. Get a dictionary!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The stage is set.

Well now that I am past 5000 words I feel like I have gotten a good start on my current WIP. So I back burnered everything else and this one completely took over all my conscious thought and a good chunk of my dreams as well but It is starting to take shape and gain direction.

So far the hardest part of this one has been naming people (I hate naming people) and trying to decide how graphic parts should be. But at least the story is flowing and there are no walls in the foreseeable future.