- I will often forget to eat or sleep if I am reading a good book. Peeing happens only when it is an emergency and the book travels with me.
- I do things just to say I did. Like smoking in the boys room.
- People were shocked when I got married and still after almost five years ask my husband how he did it.
- I am just as likely to sing a Mariah Carey song as an Alice Cooper one.
- I think willful ignorance should be met with corporal punishment.
- I collect Smurfs.
- I lost count of how many times I read "The Long Walk" after 12.
- I genuinely like very few people. In fact I probably have enough digits to count them all.
- I don't drink coffee or tea.
- I have a tattoo and plan to get more
- Once I cut off a piece of my finger. Despite doctors saying it was impossible it grew back.
- I love being on stage in any capacity.
- I hate cell phones. The best part of grocery shopping is being incommunicado, I don't want life finding me.
- I have severe ADD, and mild OCD. this means nothing ever gets finished but it is always perfectly started.
- I have an IQ of 186.
- Despite said IQ I often do the stupidest things imaginable.
- I love working out. It is the only physical release I get for my anger since DH strongly disapproves of my desire to 'smack the stupid' out of people I meet.
- My first major celebrity crush was Marky mark
- all these years later I still see no reason to regret that
- I think tattoos are very sexy and all men should have a few.
- If I had my way I would have nine kids.
- I once beat the shit out of a would be abductor with a shoe.
- I have no fear of walking alone at night in any city I have ever been in.
- Spiders reduce me to a blubbering idiot.
- Despite this I have a spider tattooed on my body .
- I kissed a girl once and decided it was overrated. Tried a few more times though just to be sure.
- 5 years ago I had never seen a super hero movie. Now I own more than I care to count and have numerous crushes on men in tights (or iron)
- I love live music. I have seen Thorn Lee, Novax, Sloan, Alice Cooper, Hot hot heat, Econoline crush, Treble Charger, Sum 41 and Dr. Hook. This is not nearly enough though and I intend to expand on that.
- I am horrible with names and give most everyone I meet a nickname. Some are innocent enough like "flower girl" but others like "captain acne" should probably be kept to myself.
- I hate when the music I like find its way into radio shuffle. Buck Cherry, Jason Maraz and Hinder are all prime examples of music I loved but got overplayed.
- I can talk books until the other persons eyes glaze over.
- I have only ever put down one book without finishing it and that was "Viking" by Fabio. "Old man and the sea" would be on that list too though if I hadn't had to write a report on it.
- I love 80's hair metal.
- I have natural red hair but everyone thinks it comes from a bottle
- I define "low maintenance"
- One year Billy forced me to celebrate Valentines day but agreed to let me pick the movie. We watched Hannibal. Now he pretends the day doesn't exist.
- I also don't celebrate anniversaries.
- I have still not finished the original Mario game.
- I often laugh at the conversations going on in my head. Drives everyone around me batshit.
- Despite getting knocked up repeatedly by accident I seem to be having an exceptionally hard time doing it on purpose.
- I absolutely despise fan fiction. It doesn't matter how well written it is you are still mooching off another persons ideas.
- I am the oldest of six children.
- No we don't all have the same parents, in fact no two sibs in my family have the same parents.
- In the seventh grade I failed a genealogy project because the teacher couldn't read my family tree.
- I saw star wars for the first time when I was pregnant with my oldest and too fat to move. My brother had taped then off the TV so I watched them one after the other. The last 15 mins of the last movie was missing. To this day I have not seen the "I am your father" bit.
- In high school teachers used to complain that I didn't put in enough effort. Apparently they were unaware of how much effort it takes to graduate when you rarely go to class
- I play magic cards and love going to tournaments.
- I paid $40 for a Lord Soth figurine.
- When my parents first met my now husband they were shocked by the lack of piercings, tattoos and criminal records.
- I often add old high school acquaintances (whom I hated) as facebook friends just to see if they got fat.
- In most cases they did but there are a few regrettable exceptions.
- I am only doing this because I can't figure out what to do with my characters at the exact moment. There are two equally appealing possibilities.
- I love Lindt chocolate truffles. They are defiantly the food of the gods.
- Alice Cooper was a major inspiration for mt current WIP.
- I am currently playing Dungeons and Dragons.
- I have an obsession with flair on facebook.
- I am the only licensed driver in my house, there are days I hate it.
- I go a bit overboard at Christmas, Like I bake a bazillion cookies and give out home made chocolates overboard.
- I could totally be a hermit as long as I had internet.
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