Thursday, November 20, 2008

Crazy Bitch

OMG the bitch is fucking CRAZY, there is no other word for her. Oh you probably wanna know who I am talking about right? My main character.

See I was having problems with my segue I knew where the story had to go but I was having difficulty making it go there. Turns out that is because miss crazy bitch turned out to be a serial killer. I had no PLANS for her to be one in fact it kinda flies in the face of my whole outline but she apparently has a mind of her own.

So now that I have reconciled the fact that she is a completely sane serial killer the story is making progress again. It will make much better progress if I ever get a lap top but what can ya do?

In other news

My 6 year old has discovered Beastie Boys, Oh nothing makes me prouder than hearing him sing about how his mom stole his best porno mag. Why do other moms get kids who love the gummie bear song and mine is into Alice Cooper and Motley Crue?

It should be interesting at parent teacher interviews next week


  1. Could be worse. Your hard rockin' kid could grow up to be a serial killer.

    Wait. That probably does nothing to reassure you, does it?

  2. Papercuts has a pretty good, if disturbing, point.

    E-mail me about "Camera Shy"; thethinker42(at)gmail(dot)com YAY! :D
